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Find Best Internet concepts and web design Tutors in Jyangra

Internet concepts and web design Teachers Near Jyangra

Looking for Internet concepts and web design tutors in Jyangra? We have experienced qualified private tutors who can help you taking classes and lessons for Internet concepts and web design. Both one to one and group class options are available near your locality or area. View the profiles of the private teachers or trainers woth their qualification, expertise, teaching techniques,rates and availability.

Suhrita S. - Teacher

Baguiati, Kolkata, West Bengal, India ,

Specialist in BASIC(word,excel,PowerPoint) C C++ Computer Application Computer Science Database Training Graphic Design JAVA Javascript Computer Science Computer Science Engineering Computers/IT Algorithm Design C Language Programming Computer Architecture Computer Basics and PC Software Computer Networks Computer Oriented Numerical Techniques Data and File Structures Data Communication and Networks Data structures Database Management Systems Digital Electronics Internet Concepts and Web Design IT Java Programming Object Oriented Technologies Operating System Concepts and Networking Management Problem Solving and Programming Programming in C/C++ Visual Programing Web Programming MCA Coaching Classes

Area : Baguihati Tollygunge Kestopur Jyangra

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